Thursday, August 5, 2010


I am just trying to figure this all out. I am liking the Green Smoothies! I am sleeping so much better. If you know anything about Fibromyalgia, you know that a person that has it doesn't sleep. So I am making much progress. Also, have quit taking all meds except two. YAY!! And have invested in a few kitchen gadgets to help out with my raw journey. I bought an Excalibur Dehydrator, an Omega Juicer, and a Cuisinart Food Processor to add to my new BLENDTEC Blender. The weight is not just "falling off" like it was. I dont know what I am doing different. I was eating more vegan before and eating rice and beans every day. Now I am mostly raw, with a few exceptions, and am kind of a standstill. Not really a standstill but only losing 1-2 pounds a week now. I guess that is ok but with 100 more pounds to lose I would like it to come off a bit quicker than that. So, time is slipping away and the weight isn't. But, it will. I need to get really serious with the green smoothies and the juicing. AND, quit eating bread and corn chips. Today's weight 221.

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