Friday, April 30, 2010

First Post

Just so you know a little about why I am taking this journey. I am a 57 year old Wife, Mother, and Grandma who wants desperately to heal myself from illness and not be a prisoner any longer to the medications, and side effects, linking to those illnesses. I have a beautiful gift from God. grandson. I want to see him grow up to be a man, graduate from high school and college, LOVE, have babies of his own.  

My Dr. happens to think I am crazy BUT of course is interested in seeing my progress. So, I started researching. I came across a new book by Alicia Silverstone titled The Kind Diet...A simple Guide To Feeling Great, Losing Weight. and Saving The Planet.
 I read it from cover to cover. I was in awe of her. This is where I started. Her forum is awesome and people are very helpful. Find it here.
From there I researched on my own.  I came across raw food. hmmmm. That sounds strange. Could this be for me? Yes, I think this would work for me. So....out went the SAD (Standard American Diet) food in the cabinets and refrigerator. Out went the meat, dairy, eggs, cheese, ALL white stuff, and any processed foods. WOW! Was I crazy??? Who was I kidding? And my husband knows that when I do is all or nothing! 
Well, I have to tell you. That was the middle of February. Today I have released 41 pounds.
YES ..... WOW!

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